Thursday, 30 September 2010

and the second one....

The two completed mixed media on aluminium pieces.
All the different parts have come together quite well,
with the detail of the lighthouses merging in nicely with
the background, to give a kind of foggy washed out effect.

Friday, 24 September 2010

Some progress photos of one of two aluminium pieces
that I'm working on at the moment.
This is really the first time I've "drawn" properly in a while.
The background is a mixture of heavily watered down acrylic,
ink and white spirit built up over a week or so.
I have just started working the drawn part in, which will eventually
be a lighthouse, using a watercolour oil stick.
After these I want to start working on larger more expansive pieces
of aluminium, but I may need more space first.... :p

Friday, 10 September 2010

and three more...

Three new photopaper pieces, following on from
the ferris wheel and burger man ones from a
little while ago.
With these new ones I have been playing a bit
more with manipulating the ink, as well as the
offsetting of sections of the image.

Thursday, 9 September 2010

I've been a bit lazy and havn't posted anything in
a while, so here's a three part piece that I finished
a while ago.
I initially planned to cut each section into three equal
pieces, leaving me with 9 pieces. These were then
going to be stiched back together to give a kind of
physical representation of a wave.
However, I didn't think there was any real need to do this,
so I have keep it as a triptych which seems to work quite well.