Friday, 23 July 2010

And finally...a finished piece..
It consists of 11 polaroids arranged together on a
length of steel.
The polaroids were taken in a scrap yard.
Each one conveys a beauty of form and a story
long detached from its owner.

Another work in progress...

A landscape triptych I'm working at the moment.
It consists of a series of six landscape based photos
printed onto Ilford photo paper.
More to come!

A few photos of my home studio!
aka: my garden shed..

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Some worked over photographs from a little while ago.
It's a process that I find very interesting and unpredictable
in equal parts, and something I will no doubt be using again..

Friday, 16 July 2010

A few photos of one part of a three part mixed
media piece that I'm working on at the moment.
Eventually the three larger pieces will be cut in to
nine equally sized pieces, printed onto via an inkjet
printer, worked into some more and then finally
"stitched" back together so then the pieces can be displayed
as single flowing piece.
This will allow (hopefully) for the piece to be arranged in
various ways like a wave.
More images to come!