Wednesday, 30 June 2010

A photo of my (growing) vinyl art toy
collection :p

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

A few bleached over photographs from a
while ago now...
This process of manipulation and removal
from the initial origin of the image, is a
theme I seem to constantly revisit.

Friday, 25 June 2010

The other half of the Maidstone photos,
with this one carrying on round from the
image of the three small photo-strips.

Photographs from the gallery space that I was
given to display my most recent Gasometer project work in.
This was part of my final degree exhibition with the other
half currently taking place at the Truman Brewery in
Brick Lane, London.
The photographs are arranged in order that they followed
on from one another in the space. The idea was for them to
build from very ambiguous and abstract pieces with hints
at the overall theme, to much more complete and visually
intact pieces. This is a representation/reflection of
the life span of the gasometer, and of the eventual deconstruction
and removal, from the urban landscape, that they face.

Monday, 14 June 2010

Some photographs taken at Dungeness,
printed onto a thick textured paper and
then worked back into.
I was attempting to almost work back
into the image the feeling I had at the

Saturday, 12 June 2010

A few photographs playing with the texture
present on a window, and using its angles to
frame and obscure....

A triptych from a project on Dungeness from a few months back.
Now that university is (pretty much) over, I've been spending alot
of time thinking about the work that I have done, and want to be doing.
This is a piece in particular that I feel I want to re-visit and explore
further, in terms of process and subject..