Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Some more 'in progress' images from
the Kingston canvas. Its all coming together
quite nicely, but there's still a fair bit to do...

Saturday, 20 February 2010

A few photos taken on a recent trip to
New Hythe. A place that kind of reminded
me of Dungeness....

Thursday, 11 February 2010

A few more recent photographs of the exhibition
piece that I am currently working on. It took a
little while to figure out if the scale was working,
but now that i feel it is, I can start layering up with
paint, ink, crayon and whatever else I end up using....
More 'progress' shots in a week or so :p

Monday, 8 February 2010

Some old stuff based around a local construction site,
and ideas of expansion and a gradual envelopment.
This was before photoshop and I parted ways....

Friday, 5 February 2010

And......these are the two completed parts of the final
outcome on display. Accompanying the painted steel
section were nine photographic/print based pieces that
varied in size. The idea was to create a literal (paint vs
photography), and a non-literal (the impact of the size and
detail difference) contrast, being that the two were displayed
opposite each other on a corridor.
On a different note, anyone who hasn't visited Dungeness
should try and do so :)

Some 'in progress' images from the final outcome
of a project on Dungeness that was completed a few
weeks ago. The photographs are of a 2m by 1m piece of
steel that was worked on to using acrylic paint, enamel paint,
ink, crayon, spray-paint and charcoal. The overall image is
a kind of non-literal atmospheric representation of the
Dungeness landscape from memory..... it's also my largest
mixed media piece to date :)

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Another 'in progress' mixed media piece for
the "Foundation Course: 10 Year Celebration"
at the Penny School gallery in Kingston.
The canvas itself is one that I managed to find
a few days ago. It was one of them large (48 by 30 inches),
generic "floral" printed canvases that you can get from
home furnishing stores. It was outside a house by some
bins, and I have fondness for working onto found
objects, so it was perfect! The painting itself is based
on some recent photographs I took of a few gasometers
in Southampton...

An 'in progress' mixed media painting started a
few days ago. It measures 27.5 by 23.5 inches, and
is based on a photo taken from a port in Turkey...
A recently completed mixed media
painting. Kind of a study for maybe
something bigger...

A few canvases painted over summer,
the first in a long time...

Monday, 1 February 2010

Experiments with light...

An old ink and brush drawing...
Macro photographs for a photography project
from a couple of years ago...


I thought it was about time I started a blog or something, until i get round to making a decent website.... so I have!
I'll be using this mainly to show art work I've done since being at uni, and maybe some stuff from foundation etc. As I'm now very much into painting and more large scale mixed media stuff, I'll also put up photos of 'in progress' stuff. I'll also whack up pictures of my growing vinyl art collection :p as well as other random stuff I've bought...